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By creating the Solstice agency, I gave life to a personal conviction: 

communicate with emotion and sincerity.

Touching the heart before speaking to the head.

Virginia Shirley

Journaliste d'entreprise, rédactrice

et storytelleuse, je vous accompagne pour créer vos narratifs, aussi bien en français qu'en anglais. Je prend en charge tous vos contenus print et web, pour valoriser vos messages clés et les déployer auprès de vos clients et publics, sur tous vos médias. Franco-britannique, je maîtrise les deux langues.

Paris IV-Sorbonne

Master's degree  of Literature & Art History

DESS in international trade

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Storytelling training

by American screenwriter  Christophe Vogler

 and scriptwriting by  Luc Besson


CFPJ Paris

Certification in web writing

Certification in communication strategy

and storytelling

Founder of the SOLSTICE agency
Author and storyteller

Passionnée par les mots, j'écris depuis toujours.

Franco-British, I master both languages. Passionate about words, _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ I have always been writing.


International debut

First in charge of communication at the  Victoria & Albert Museum in London , I joined the  Metropolitan Museum of Arts  in New York as Press Relations Officer.


In a communication agency

Back in Paris, I joined the group  i&e Consultants, which became Burson Marsteller,  as a press relations consultant for des_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136_bad5cf58d major accounts such as IBM and Orange, before

to join the  Futuroscope   to manage the content division there and  brand strategy.


At the Futuroscope Park

I create the agency de  integrated communication (ACI)   to reposition the brand around the customer experience. With a team of 8 creatives, I produce all the content

and digital and print communication media. I participate in the creation of many immersive experiences: Les Yeux Grands Fermés , visual disability awareness course  , Animals of the future , 1st attraction  in augmented reality, Futuropolis , space for children on  the theme of trades and Objective Mars . Je  renews visitor mediation  alongside strategic partners such as CNES, INSERM, ADEME and the BBC.

I develop  storytelling for the general public for on-site marketing and communication   and

I develop CSR communication in conjunction with the WWF.


Creation of SOLSTICE!

With 25 years of experience in communication

at 360° ,   I founded the SOLSTICE agency  in 2020 to promote

meaningful projects and organizations

and values. SOLSTICE relies on creative and qualitative editorial content. 


What drives me

C'est sur le terrain du storytelling que se fait

et se fera la différence entre vous et vos concurrents. 

Give meaning to your brand

Our world is changing and the transitions underway are fueling a strong quest for meaning.  Innovate, resist, share, project   are becoming key words.

The sharing of experiences and the authenticity of communication reassure us and help us build the future. .


Storytelling conveys your values through emotion to better convey the meaningof what you do and to connect with your audiences with simplicity .

What makes me unique

My experience


I founded the SOLSTICE agency after 25 years of experience in corporate communication (internal, external, digital, print) in management positions, whereI worked on the attractiveness of many strategic projects.


My writing skill

My editorial fluency is recognized both in corporate journalism and in storytelling or dialogue writing.

and scenarios.My strength is knowing how to understand the meaning of your actions

or your projects and to transcribe it as closely as possible to your identity

My agility

I specifically wanted to create a network of independent partners to adapt to your needs and your organizational constraints. I work either in addition to your internal teams, or in project mode with other contributors (scenographer, videographer, communication manager) from my network or chosen by you.


Why call our agency SOLSTICE?

The solstice is the time of renewal.


Something ends. Something else begins.

And this is precisely what I experienced when creating the SOLSTICE agency.


It is also a reminder that we belong to the cycle of nature , to this perpetual movement greater than us.


At the winter solstice , tree sap descends to the roots and life underground quietly prepares for the return of spring. This is the time for reflection and the maturation of future projects.

At the summer solstice , the heat of the sun at its zenith explodes. It is the time of harvesting fruits and sharing.


Reflect, reinvent, regenerate and then share.

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